Friday, June 14, 2013

     I meet so many great people being a professional networker. They range from established businessmen and women to work-at-home Moms and Dads; from sales people to service workers. The one key common factor is the dream and desire to become more. They are hard workers, willing to go above and beyond what is expected, to do more to become more. If you are a networker, you are truly exceptional.

     Unfortunately there is a myriad of ‘opportunities’ designed to take advantage of the well intentioned entrepreneur. They come in many varieties… juices, utilities, supplements, training systems, discounts, candles and even systems to build your system. And let’s not forget the ones that promise great riches with no work or investment on your part. 

     Well, it’s somewhat obvious that you would need to start a business concept with a decent product or service or at least the illusion of one. They are sold as new, better, special and something that everyone MUST have. Therefore, that is usually the draw. However they are usually overhyped to divert attention from the fact that the compensation plan is fatally flawed, or the price is too high in order to create a huge profit for the company, but not for the distributors. There are always the slight few that do meet the requirements of the plan, but it is highly unusual and at times fabricated. These are the ‘success’ stories that are paraded around to lure in the unsuspecting masses.

     The compensation plan is inevitably touted as the best out there. But take a serious look at it, deep into the fine print. If it is an MLM, there are some major issues that disallow you to earn what is portrayed. They are NOT designed for the little guy. There is a link on the side that lists the 12 factors necessary for success. You will see that MLM plans miss out on a few of these.

     We have a networking system outside of MLM that is specifically designed to bring relatively quick success, but without taking advantage of others; to provide sustainable residual income, not a flash in the pan; to provide exceptional products and services at reasonable prices. Come join us!  We ARE the right vehicle for you.

I do NOT do lead capture. If you like what you read, give me a call, or email me. We can chat.

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     One of the biggest issues with the MLM industry is the revolving door. People come in with a big dream or hope of a quick windfall only to realize that it takes work or that the boat they are in is sinking. Most MLMer’s try to lure others in with hype and promises of untold wealth next month. They also pitch the erroneous idea that they can build a huge empire on a small product or service line. The fact is this… the home based business industry should be designed for the little guy, the average hard working citizen. And the average person is NOT going to do the work necessary to build an empire. So we see a revolving door in the industry. 
     Another reason for the revolving door is the monster inside of it… the monster that must be fed. In order to feed it, the product price point must be padded. The entry fee must be inflated like a Ponzi scheme, or you need to buy and sell things you would not normally buy. Then they put you on an auto-ship of over $100 of these very same products. Even if they are good products, you don’t need that much of the same product every month. At times, you are even encouraged to front load, and then try to sell it all. This inevitability is to buy a bigger level, another scammish idea. They tell you about all the volume they are doing, but alas, it is front loading. 
     In most cases, the monster has an owner, and he wants his cut too. By this I mean that the MLM company is not the manufacturer, they have another company manufacture the product or resell another product or service. This other company obviously must mark things as well. Then you must feed the multiple levels of distribution. It all adds up pretty quickly. People walk in the revolving door, then run when they see the monster. 
     For the ones brave enough to take on that monster, there is a larger more sinister one lurking behind the next door. This one is subtle and promises great riches to draw you in. It tells you that if you feed it, it will bring you others to help feed it, and you. However, this one eats even more than the last one. Its name is ‘The System’. It comes in the form of training CD’s, seminars and a ‘back office’ that offers dreams of auto building your business. This is merely another industry within MLM designed to extract more money… Think about it.
     The next revolving door is hype. Their product or service is going to revolutionize the world. They are often accompanied by over the top testimonials from either health or business gurus, or a celebrity or sport star.  There are ALWAYS stories of fast riches, normally without proof, but always on the backs of the newbies. Innocent people lured in by the illusive dream put the front loaded products on a credit card and the upline makes a profit on that. Given enough time, people get burned, the stories get around, and eventually the business will collapse. The founders then move on to the next MLM, hyping how they created a huge downline in the last one and will do it again with this one. My question is this…  Why aren’t you still with the last one if you were so good? My question to you is this…  Do you want to lure people in to use their credit card so you can make a good profit? I don’t.   I’d rather give them a good business or customer model that will offer excellent products, at a better price than others, and a guarantee they will NOT be burned. We offer long term customer loyalty based on necessities, quality, and price.  Come join us!

If this enticed you give me a call at 408.771.5219
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The Goose and the Golden Eggs

     This is a story not only of greed, but of production capability as related to greed. More specifically, sustainability. I will relate it to the sustainability of a business model. It MUST be good for the “guy on the bottom”. 
     When examining any opportunity, one must consider many things, not the least of which is just that, sustainability. Are you looking for a quick fix or a get rich quick scheme? Or are you looking to build a long term solid residual income?  A business to last a lifetime, and past your lifetime!
     While considering this, my mind goes to another of Aesop’s fables. A countryman going to the nest of his goose finds a shiny egg and thought it was a trick. He almost threw it away, but decided to keep it only to find out it was actually pure gold. He would sell the eggs and became rich. Then as he grew rich he became greedy and decided to kill the goose and open it up to get all the gold now. Well obviously, the dead goose could not produce any more eggs that put an end to his wealth. 
     As business builders, we are often tempted to do the same thing. We see opportunities constantly that offer great success and riches immediately. When I am presented with this, my question is “At whose expense?” Usually it’s the one who gets in last who foots the bill. These types of programs must by nature take advantage of somebody. It then becomes your job to take advantage of someone else to make up the money. Eventually there is “the guy at the bottom”, the one who is left with the hot potato. Over inflated claims, “must have” products, the next big idea; these are all just get rich quick schemes.
      In my experience, I have found that we need to have good business model that provides an excellent product for a fair price. This is good for all, especially the end user. This way we will continue to see success, year after year, for life, because it’s a good deal, not because we can make a quick buck with a lot of hype but because we can sleep well at night knowing that we walk with integrity. If we take care of the goose, we will continue to see the golden eggs come day after day. Then we will eventually have a lifetime of golden eggs! Some of them will hatch into more geese, which will produce more golden eggs. The “guy on the bottom” is our goose. Let’s make a great customer program for him or her. Then our business will grow and stay. Come with me to build a business to last a lifetime!

If this enticed you give me a call at 408.771.5219
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The Truth Is Good Enough

 Amidst the myriad of companies that come and go proclaiming that they are the biggest, the fastest, the newest, the best, the most… Well, you get the idea, there is usually something mysteriously missing… The Simple Truth.  For the most part, there is typically a dirty little secret lurking somewhere beneath the dark shadows. That’s a shame because it doesn’t have to be that way, nor should it.
                The secrets range from overpromised income with no proof, to brainwashing with an endless barrage of books tapes and functions (which, by the way is how the big guys actually make their money ). Some others include an auto-ship of niche products that you normally would not buy to the tune of 150 bucks or so. Still others are the miracle product that ALL baby boomers must have because we all want to stay looking young. Most are reselling others’ products or services. And don’t even get started on binaries, who do you think keeps all the profits from your big leg?
                I believe that the best course is always the truth. You won’t have to remember all the colorful stories. You don’t need to create a new dance. You can feel good when you tell somebody something. You can be at peace with what you have and not have to fake it till you make it. Just be real.
                After all is said and done, it’s much better ( and easier ) to just speak the truth. Especially if what you have is good... no, great. Check out what we do. We will SHOW you what you can make and document it. Real business, real opportunity, real people with real stories. We will tell you the truth, just ask whatever you like.

If this enticed you give me a call at 408.771.5219
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It’s Coming in Next Month!

   I have seen so many people become frustrated with building their home based business. Most of the time it is due to the allusive dream everyone hypes up.  They expect that their ship will arrive at port next month, and all of a sudden they will be fabulously wealthy.  This generally does not happen, except for the occasional lottery winner, which causes many more problems. When we have this mindset, we are labeled a dreamer, or worse, a pain in the butt, and all our friends and family hide from us. 
     This mentality causes us to put most of our energy into ‘next month’ activities, a lottery mentality, while ignoring the important things for this month. The big problem is it will ALWAYS be next month. So we wind up never reaching the dream.
     You did not come into the world knowing how to walk or talk. And it would be really weird if all of a sudden one day we started running around the park and writing a thesis on the origin of the universe. It takes time, study, correction, growth, practice to eventually, step by step, learn to do these things. We build line upon line, precept upon precept. Why do we think that our business, our dream, would be any different?
     So here’s the deal… Step back, take a look at what is important THIS MONTH. Do you have enough cash coming in to pay this month’s bills? Are you spending quality spiritual time? Are you paying attention to your family? Are you relaxing? If not, DO IT! This will balance you to build your dream one baby step at a time. You can grow into strides as time goes on. Create income and quality time now. Get a job; even if it’s temporary, to make sure you meet your obligations. Schedule family and personal time. You will be glad you did. Success will be there when you arrive!

     Here’s a word picture for you. Imagine you have a stairway in front of you. Many of your aspirations are at the top of the staircase at the next floor. There are 12 steps leading up.  You can spend a year using all your energy trying to jump right to the top. Or you could spend a month at a time simply taking a small step up. Look at the end of the year. What’s better?
We have a system in place that allows you to grow at your own pace. There is no hype, no pressure and no false promises.

If this enticed you give me a call at 408.771.5219
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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Build A Lifetime Business

     As a business professional, I have seen MANY companies. Most come and go and leave a trail of destruction behind them. The casualties seek to recoup and some refuse to let go of the DREAM, the dream of true residual income. 
     The problem is the MLM industry. It was not really designed for the success of ‘The Little Guy’. It was designed for the “lucky’, the few who get in early and work their buns off, then take the money and run!
     This is a BIG issue. Most are harmed from the ordeal, including those who did make money. Because now the organization has crashed, and there is no cash flow. The land is scorched, the people are bewildered and burned, and now they are left to fend for themselves.
     I have seen all too many companies come and go over the last 30 years. They ALL have the next big thing and the best compensation plan and the best product and…..  well, you get the picture. The one thing they all lacked though is a solid business plan to keep the BUSINESS alive, not just the allusive dream.
     This lead me to find 12 success factors needed to create a business model that is truly stable, truly residual, and truly an opportunity for ‘the little guys’, like me and you.
     I would love to tell you more about the 12 factors. My contact info is below. 

If this enticed you give me a call at 408.771.5219
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