Friday, June 14, 2013

The Truth Is Good Enough

 Amidst the myriad of companies that come and go proclaiming that they are the biggest, the fastest, the newest, the best, the most… Well, you get the idea, there is usually something mysteriously missing… The Simple Truth.  For the most part, there is typically a dirty little secret lurking somewhere beneath the dark shadows. That’s a shame because it doesn’t have to be that way, nor should it.
                The secrets range from overpromised income with no proof, to brainwashing with an endless barrage of books tapes and functions (which, by the way is how the big guys actually make their money ). Some others include an auto-ship of niche products that you normally would not buy to the tune of 150 bucks or so. Still others are the miracle product that ALL baby boomers must have because we all want to stay looking young. Most are reselling others’ products or services. And don’t even get started on binaries, who do you think keeps all the profits from your big leg?
                I believe that the best course is always the truth. You won’t have to remember all the colorful stories. You don’t need to create a new dance. You can feel good when you tell somebody something. You can be at peace with what you have and not have to fake it till you make it. Just be real.
                After all is said and done, it’s much better ( and easier ) to just speak the truth. Especially if what you have is good... no, great. Check out what we do. We will SHOW you what you can make and document it. Real business, real opportunity, real people with real stories. We will tell you the truth, just ask whatever you like.

If this enticed you give me a call at 408.771.5219
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