Friday, June 14, 2013

It’s Coming in Next Month!

   I have seen so many people become frustrated with building their home based business. Most of the time it is due to the allusive dream everyone hypes up.  They expect that their ship will arrive at port next month, and all of a sudden they will be fabulously wealthy.  This generally does not happen, except for the occasional lottery winner, which causes many more problems. When we have this mindset, we are labeled a dreamer, or worse, a pain in the butt, and all our friends and family hide from us. 
     This mentality causes us to put most of our energy into ‘next month’ activities, a lottery mentality, while ignoring the important things for this month. The big problem is it will ALWAYS be next month. So we wind up never reaching the dream.
     You did not come into the world knowing how to walk or talk. And it would be really weird if all of a sudden one day we started running around the park and writing a thesis on the origin of the universe. It takes time, study, correction, growth, practice to eventually, step by step, learn to do these things. We build line upon line, precept upon precept. Why do we think that our business, our dream, would be any different?
     So here’s the deal… Step back, take a look at what is important THIS MONTH. Do you have enough cash coming in to pay this month’s bills? Are you spending quality spiritual time? Are you paying attention to your family? Are you relaxing? If not, DO IT! This will balance you to build your dream one baby step at a time. You can grow into strides as time goes on. Create income and quality time now. Get a job; even if it’s temporary, to make sure you meet your obligations. Schedule family and personal time. You will be glad you did. Success will be there when you arrive!

     Here’s a word picture for you. Imagine you have a stairway in front of you. Many of your aspirations are at the top of the staircase at the next floor. There are 12 steps leading up.  You can spend a year using all your energy trying to jump right to the top. Or you could spend a month at a time simply taking a small step up. Look at the end of the year. What’s better?
We have a system in place that allows you to grow at your own pace. There is no hype, no pressure and no false promises.

If this enticed you give me a call at 408.771.5219
or email me at
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