Thursday, June 13, 2013

Build A Lifetime Business

     As a business professional, I have seen MANY companies. Most come and go and leave a trail of destruction behind them. The casualties seek to recoup and some refuse to let go of the DREAM, the dream of true residual income. 
     The problem is the MLM industry. It was not really designed for the success of ‘The Little Guy’. It was designed for the “lucky’, the few who get in early and work their buns off, then take the money and run!
     This is a BIG issue. Most are harmed from the ordeal, including those who did make money. Because now the organization has crashed, and there is no cash flow. The land is scorched, the people are bewildered and burned, and now they are left to fend for themselves.
     I have seen all too many companies come and go over the last 30 years. They ALL have the next big thing and the best compensation plan and the best product and…..  well, you get the picture. The one thing they all lacked though is a solid business plan to keep the BUSINESS alive, not just the allusive dream.
     This lead me to find 12 success factors needed to create a business model that is truly stable, truly residual, and truly an opportunity for ‘the little guys’, like me and you.
     I would love to tell you more about the 12 factors. My contact info is below. 

If this enticed you give me a call at 408.771.5219
or email me at
or visit

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